Friday, March 29, 2013

ASPIRE Program in Downey

Entrusted Legacy’s bottom line is to holistically train adults to be personally and professionally effective. ETL’s efforts are focused on adults who work with youth. Developing positive role models who effectively demonstrate the capacity, character and competency to practice the advanced citizenship required in a global society, is our quest. Entrusted Legacy is committed to the notion that “it takes a village” to positively influence the choices our next generation of adults make. From pre-schoolers to young adults, we must provide opportunities for youth to prepare and practice for the real adult world. Systematically we teach adults to routinely demonstrate and practice prevention strategies with youth, rather than waiting for problems to occur and having to implement intervention strategies.

This year with the support of Southern California Edison, ETL was able to bring a comprehensive staff development system to the ASPIRE afterschool staff in Downey, California. “The goal of ASPIRE is to provide a fun, positive, and safe learning environment. The program operates school days only from school dismissal until 6 p.m. ASPIRE students are provided with homework assistance, enrichment components on enhancing educational skills, and encouraging healthy life choices. The enrichment program is geared to be fun and educational for both the elementary and middle school sites.”  Michelle Jenny from ASPIRE had this to say:

“Consult 4 Kids is an important website for the afterschool field. Being able to provide technical assistance to staff at any time is invaluable. With less time and resources for in-person training, this website fills the void. Being able to assign videos or to have staff explore on their own provides flexibility. We are so grateful to Consult 4 Kids, Entrusted Legacy, and Southern California Edison for their contributions to make it possible for ASPIRE to use the website’s services. We hope to continue this partnership and hope to have funds in the future to be able to purchase this on our own.” 
On March 16, 2013, Entrusted Legacy sponsored a face-to-face training for the ASPIRE staff.  Stay tuned for pictures and comments.  

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