Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Entrusted Legacy’s Work

Entrusted Legacy’s bottom line is to holistically train adults to be personally and professionally effective.  ETL’s efforts are focused on adults who work with youth. Developing positive role models who effectively demonstrate the capacity, character and competency to practice the advanced citizenship required in a global society, is our quest. Entrusted Legacy is committed to the notion that “it takes a village” to positively influence the choices our next generation of adults make. From pre-schoolers to young adults, we must provide opportunities for youth to prepare and practice for the real adult world.  
When youth are involved with a well-trained role model and mentor, they are being prepared to be a self-sufficient adult who can build positive relationships with family, friends, and colleagues, and practice advanced citizenship by giving back to the community. Educating youth by example makes the metamorphosis of becoming a self-reflective adult an empowering instead of an enabling process. Just as caterpillars turn into butterflies, our youth will turn into adults, and our efforts will help them to become contributing members of society—teachers, ministers, bankers, construction workers, doctors and nurses, entertainers, service-industry professionals, and certainly parents of the next generation.
With the support of Southern California Edison and Consult 4 Kids, Entrusted Legacy has provided the DowneyASPIRE program with both online and face-to-face training.  We captured this training through pictures.  

Each person has a unique contribution to make to the world and certainly people cannot be duplicated. However, this ETL system of education, complete with best practices employed to unleash the power of youth, can be endlessly replicated. For us, it is not a question of “if” you get involved, but rather a question of “how” will you get involved. Entrust your legacy to us. Volunteer your time, give financially or introduce us to others who might be interested in volunteering time, giving financially or better yet, do all three! Impact the lives of youth everywhere. The greatest education in the world without the ability to implement successfully is futile. Join us as we empower current and future citizens.
Check out our website at or by contacting us at

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